“We invest in companies that are on their way to become future market leaders by consequently fulfilling today’s and tomorrow’s key consumer requirements”
Our PSI Framework
People increasingly become aware of the necessity to preserve their basis of life. This results in more conscious lifestyle choices regarding the impact of consumption on peoples’ own health and well-being and also on the environment.
Nearly invisible integration of technology into every day life allows for an increasing convenience, curation, guidance and tracking. This offers people the opportunity to reallocate their resources (time, money, attention) between their areas of life (living, learning, working, consuming) resulting in a need to adapt existing or the rise of completely new business models.
Given that basic human needs are mostly satisfied, people strive for liberty and autonomy and shape their lives much more according to wishes and ideas. This leads to the necessity to target customers and customer groups directly, specifically and individually and to provide them with customized products and services.
Investment Criteria
Taking the first step to realize our shared vision of the PSI Framework:
Our overarching investment focus lies on established but yet significantly growing companies with a standing track record. They are either already leading their industry or have the potential to become market leaders through (in)organic sustainable growth.
We look for opportunities where we believe to be the best partner to reap the most benefit of leveraging from our resources, expertise and ecosystem.
Additionally, ESG remains a vital core of our heritage. We therefore look for companies who live these values or strive to transform their company to achieve ESG standards.